Time makes me uncomfortable

May 20th, 2019
11 days remaining
Thailand, Isan, Udornthani Ward 


This week has been spectacular! I don't know why or for what reason, but the Lord has decided to bless us with a few miraculous days. We have been given more than plenty of food in times of need, people have stopped us and asked us about religion and English class (which is growing so fast!).  Some of the people we teach that we have been working with have opened up their hearts and are committed to change and life is just amazing!

It still hasn't gone through my soul that I will be leaving Thailand next week. It causes anxiety in the moments I think about it, but I have found myself so much- discovered who I am and what makes me happy- that it is hard to think of myself not being here. Maybe I said this all last week, but it is also scary to leave a role I am now comfortable in.

This upcoming week is going to be uber crazy. It is my last full week, so I am going to be going wild with everything. Today, we went to a mountain and scoped out a waterfall (more like airfall because there was no water 555) with some members and people that are learning. Saturday will find the entire mission (this never happens) in Bangkok. President Ballard (Acting President of the Quorum of the 12) is visiting and will be having a special missionary meeting. With him and is Elder Gay (Presidency of the Quorum of the 70), the entire Asia Area Presidency (1 2 3), and other various General Authorities. They are also holding leadership meetings and stake conferences in all of Bangkok, so I am excited at what this will do for our mission and country!

We are hosting switch offs in our area (we went to Sakon Nakon this past week), then my last District Council, last English class, last pday. I board a train/bus down to Bangkok Wednesday night, spend Thursday in Bangkok (visit members, interview, meal), and I board my plane on Friday at 8am, landing in Dallas at 4 pm (though I will be traveling for 18 hours!). I am not sure what I will do next pday (I am going to try to sell my phone and my bike), but I will try to crank out one more weekly. Disclaimer- if you do send me something, I almost definitely won't respond. I will appreciate it though, as I have been my whole mission. 

Here's to one more week and a half of a blast! Enjoy one more round of quotes as dessert:

"It has a little more form now; it's a little less messy." -E Larson
"You could even say it's a little.... Lionel." -E Monatgue

"🎵I'll be there someday, I can go the distance.🎵" -E Montageu
"Hey what's the song from?" -E Larson
"(Fescitiously) Mulan." -E Wontague
"(Full of faith, nothing doubting) oh yea, I haven't seen that movie in forever." -E Larson

"Hey but the little cards are a good idea... SAID NOT PRESIDENT!!!🔥🔥💣💣💥" -E Larson

"Thought: the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, but instead of the wardrobe it's a washing machine and the kids just somehow find a mystical land by going through the washing machine." -E Mondague
"Why are they in a washing machine?" -S Graham
"They are very hygienic children." -S Fluckiger
"Elder Montigue, you should be a movie director." -S Graham

*Drinking yogurt milk for the probiotics*
"I can feel myself getting healthier." -E Momtague

*about to eat day old grilled chicken*
"You always were a man of strong grit." -E Larson
"I just drank yogurt milk. I am invisible." -E Montaque

*holding a bag of treats*
"So these are all the treats I got. There's less than I thought." -E Montagu
*they fall*
"Well now there are more." -E Nontague

*asks a ton of questions, we answer*
"I ask a lot of great questions (Translated)." -บ. อ้น

"What do you think is the greatest city in the world right now?" -E Thornock
"Provo is pretty up and coming." -E Larson

*After a first lesson with a friend of a member*
"I am going back to Roiet tomorrow." -กร
"What are you going back for? You don't have a wife." - member

*on a switch off, eating dinner with a member*
"Oh hey, where did your companions go for FHE?"-ซ. ตุ่น
"Sister, it's Wednesday."-E Muntague

"ยาดม is like a personal priesthood blessing in a bottle."- E Coomes

*Reading Safeguard for Technology Use*
"All missionaries experience weaknesses and feelings of vulnerability. WRONG." -E Larson

*sees a tree branch covered in deadly thorns*
"This branch could be used as a weapon."- E Monnague
*it snaps off*
"it has chosen me to wield it."-E Montgue

Teach whenever, where ever

Strike a pose.

Biggest mango that I've had

ปั่น pulled his tooth out for us


  1. So cool! Excited for you to come home!

  2. Cant wait to see u soon Montaque

  3. Triton, titanium density, structure of the - The Argonaut
    This is a Triton, titanium density, titanium exhaust structure of the triton, titanium structure of titanium tube the triton, titanium structure titanium welder of the triton, triton, titanium density triton, triton, triton, triton, triton, triton, triton, triton, triton, titanium tube triton, triton, triton


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