
Showing posts from October, 2018

๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒHappy Halloween๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ

October 31st, 2018 1 year, 5 months and 1 week Thailand, Bangkok, Thonburi Ward samuel.montague (I would love to hear from you) What an exciting week this has been! Sunday So we had talked this Sunday service to so many different people.  We were really trying to get as many people that are learning with us and members to come to Sacrament this week. We had a special missionary devotional, which had lots of musical numbers intermixed with short talks about different aspects of our faith and of being a member missionary. We ourselves performed a song, an arrangement of I Know That My Redeemer Lives. We were practicing it during Saturday night in the chapel. We were using the microphones and what a coincidence that sports night, which was happening at the same time, moved itself to the upstairs portion. It's the cultural hall, but it's also the overflow so it is also equipped with speakers. So all of the people that went to sports night heard us practicing

I Shattered My Feet

October 22nd, 2018 16th month,  4th week Thailand, Bangkok, Thonburi Ward samuel.montague (I would love to hear from you)    Last Monday we didn't have any Family Home Evening plans, so we decided to go to an area where a few of the people we teach live. We contacted a surprising good amount of them and after we finished we were starting to go home.  It is a half hour bus ride back and I was feeling sick. After we got off the bus, we took a path that was further back to invite on the way, but I wasn't really feeling it. We started walking by a small home where the mom was operating a small drink stand (common here), and I felt like I should go back and invite them. It turned out amazing. This is one of the only times on my mission when I've asked to enter somebody's home upon first meeting them, and being invited in and being able to teach the whole family that's present. We don't go knocking on doors in Thailand so we do a lot of

A week of staying on my toes

October 1st, 2018 15th month,  3rd week Thailand, Bangkok, Thonburi Ward samuel.montague (I would love to hear from you) Well. It is slightly awkward to have forgotten to write my email last week. Not only is that my first time to forget,  my mother specifically asked about my week and I said I would write about it. And I did. I just didn't send it. Oops But it has been an exciting week nonetheless. President Hammond decided that this year with General Conference we should watch it all in English little by little during the week.  So on Sunday we can watch it with the members in Thai.  And honestly it was so great. We were able to take it in in smaller amounts so we never got to restless because we had longer breaks in between sessions.  And the members were very surprised when we didn't leave after they started conference in Thai on Sunday. Honestly General Conference was great for me. I prepared a list of a number of questions before I star

board games are lyfe

October 8th, 2018 16th month,  3rd week Thailand, Bangkok, Thonburi Ward samuel.montague (I would love to hear from you) WOW SORRY I FORGOT TO SEND THIS OUT LAST WEEK. SURPRISE TODAY YOU GET 2 EMAILS.  Hello all! This week was much the same as last- including pday. Both today and last monday -the district decided to go to a board game cafe, which has been the right decision. It is super cheap and we stay for hours because there are a variety of games (our favorite has been this one called Clank).  Today we went with members which is an excellent idea as it lets us to get to really know them.  It has rekindled my love for board games, and I may or may not be in possession of three board games condensed into card format (Monopoly, Life, Cluedo). But board games isn't what I'm here for! Last Monday I went to the house of a member of Thai Royalty. He was involved in an accident years ago that left him physically and mentally impaired.  Because the late Presid

Bangkok Basics

October 1st, 2018 16th month,  2nd week Thailand, Bangkok, Thonburi Ward samuel.montague (I would love to hear from you) So last week there was some kind of malfunction with my email. I want everybody to know that this was not intentional. I composed and sent my email on Monday, and I think it just delayed sending for a little bit. Sorry! Digging for the bug that got inside  my clothes and started biting me We had a full weekend in Bangkok! This was the week of return appointments for all of those that we contacted last week. Not all of them were kept- some were changed, some were ignored, and some blocked us? But we are back in our grind. There's not too much to report. We had a day where we were able to go out and got lost.  So we go exploring (fun story I was attacked by a bug and ended up having to somewhat undress to rid myself of the menace), we're still doing a lot of contacting on boxes around the church and our house. These are the place

New Beginnings

September 25th, 2018 16th month,  1st week Thailand, Bangkok, Thonburi Ward samuel.montague (I would love to hear from you) So this has been a crazy crazy crazy time since I last emailed. On Monday, I had the day planned down to the last detail because I had so much to do to prepare to leave.  Te highest priority was getting new luggage. If y'all remember from way back when, my duffle bag ripped and I patched it up real special, not so surprisingly it ripped again. And my main luggage piece was a little small and it also started to tear. So I just went and I got a new set - it's a hard outer case set. I'm so happy with them. Tuesday was my last regular day with Elder Walker. Makes me so sad, he is definitely amongst my favorite companions. He is so charitable and loving; he has such a great enthusiasm and positive spirit, he conducts himself in a way that the Spirit is always there.  He is just so encouraging and works so hard.  This past week has