I'm over white people
February 25th, 2019
1 year, 9 months
Thailand, Isan, Udornthani Ward
I hit my 100 day mark (days before I return home) this past week. Tragic.
1 year, 9 months
Thailand, Isan, Udornthani Ward
I hit my 100 day mark (days before I return home) this past week. Tragic.
I interviewed the girlfriend of this old white guy member for baptism. It was a great experience of sharing testimony and teaching gospel truths except for 2 moments. Her boyfriend interrupted our interview to let me know I was taking too long and that I should ONLY be asking the questions and not teaching or talking about anything else. Afterwards, in letting him know why she was needing to postpone the baptism, he repeated everything he said before with the source that "he knows how these things go. He has done this before."
It took every ounce of patience I had to respond politely and not explain how inappropriate he was being.
We had a stimulating zone conference focusing primarily on working with the members! I had the fun privilege of translating the entire meeting into Thai. It was a weird experience of not even needing to think about it (as it was a missionary event of missionary trainings, I have all of my missionary vocab down so it was easy). I've really come a long way in my language.
My interview with President Hammond was all about our English program. It is a way we are able to provide a great service to these people, which also helps introduce many people to the church! We've already improved a lot of stuff with how we are running the program, but President is having me help with some more upcoming changes that is drawing on a lot of skills I've developed! I'll write more next week as they play out.
I'm grateful for how much I've changed on my mission, for the things I've learned, and the better perspective on life that I've acquired.
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